Unlock the

Power of Loyalty

with MyStamp

Unlock the

Power of Loyalty

with MyStamp

Drive repeat visits and customer engagement effortlessly with MyStamp’s all-in-one loyalty platform. Empower your customers to earn rewards, stay connected, and keep coming back to your business.


app downloads


monthly active users


increase in store visits

Trusted by Hundreds of Businesses Like Yours

Trusted by Hundreds

of Businesses Like Yours

Trusted by Hundreds of Businesses Like Yours

"Our clients love how easy it is to track their rewards, and we love how simple it is to manage!”

— Stépahnie, Owner of Lash Lift Stockholm

“With MyStamp, we’ve seen our customers coming back more frequently. The app is a game changer for our loyalty program.”

— Marco, Sales Director, Kandy’z

Seamless Loyalty, Made Simple

Seamless Loyalty, Made Simple

Seamless Loyalty, Made Simple

Create a Digital Loyalty Program

Create a Digital Loyalty Program

Create a Digital Loyalty Program

Personalise a rewards system tailored to your business needs. Design your digital stamp card, customise offers, and choose the rewards that will keep your customers excited.

Personalise a rewards system tailored to your business needs. Design your digital stamp card, customise offers, and choose the rewards that will keep your customers excited.

Personalise a rewards system tailored to your business needs. Design your digital stamp card, customise offers, and choose the rewards that will keep your customers excited.

Connect with Your Customers

Connect with Your Customers

Connect with Your Customers

Engage customers through the MyStamp app or directly at checkout. With seamless integration into your POS system, tracking points and redeeming rewards has never been easier.

Engage customers through the MyStamp app or directly at checkout. With seamless integration into your POS system, tracking points and redeeming rewards has never been easier.

Engage customers through the MyStamp app or directly at checkout. With seamless integration into your POS system, tracking points and redeeming rewards has never been easier.

Grow Your Business

Grow Your Business

Grow Your Business

Watch your revenue increase as customers return again and again. MyStamp’s automated tools and real-time insights help you foster customer loyalty and drive growth.

Watch your revenue increase as customers return again and again. MyStamp’s automated tools and real-time insights help you foster customer loyalty and drive growth.

Watch your revenue increase as customers return again and again. MyStamp’s automated tools and real-time insights help you foster customer loyalty and drive growth.

It's easier than you think, we'll show you!

It's easier than you think, we'll show you!

Get Started Today!

Get Started Today!

Why MyStamp is the Smarter Choice

Why MyStamp is the Smarter Choice

Why MyStamp is the Smarter Choice

Increase Customer Retention

Reward your customers for their loyalty and give them more reasons to come back—resulting in more frequent visits and higher spend.

Automate Your Marketing

Set up automated notifications and campaigns that remind customers of their points, rewards, and special offers. No manual follow-up needed.

Gain Valuable Insights

Track customer behaviour, engagement, and purchase patterns with MyStamp’s Merchant Portal. Get real-time insights to better understand your customers and make smarter decisions.

Ready to Retain More Customers?

Get Started Today!

Get Started Today!

Get Started Today!

Built for Businesses Like Yours 

Built for Businesses Like Yours 

Built for Businesses Like Yours 

Salons & Spa

Keep clients coming back for their next beauty treatment by offering rewards for loyalty and referrals.

Salons & Spa

Keep clients coming back for their next beauty treatment by offering rewards for loyalty and referrals.

Salons & Spa

Keep clients coming back for their next beauty treatment by offering rewards for loyalty and referrals.

Cafés & Restaurants

Encourage repeat visits and reward your loyal diners with points for every meal.

Cafés & Restaurants

Encourage repeat visits and reward your loyal diners with points for every meal.

Cafés & Restaurants

Encourage repeat visits and reward your loyal diners with points for every meal.

Retail Stores

Create a tailored shopping experience with rewards and incentives that make each visit more rewarding.

Retail Stores

Create a tailored shopping experience with rewards and incentives that make each visit more rewarding.

Retail Stores

Create a tailored shopping experience with rewards and incentives that make each visit more rewarding.

Start Growing Your Business

with MyStamp Today

Start Growing Your Business

with MyStamp Today

Start Growing Your Business with MyStamp Today

Start Growing Your Business with MyStamp Today

Get more customers to come back and stay loyal. Whether you're a small business or a growing franchise, MyStamp has the tools you need to increase engagement and revenue. It’s time to put loyalty on autopilot.

Get more customers to come back and stay loyal. Whether you're a small business or a growing franchise, MyStamp has the tools you need to increase engagement and revenue. It’s time to put loyalty on autopilot.

Get more customers to come back and stay loyal. Whether you're a small business or a growing franchise, MyStamp has the tools you need to increase engagement and revenue. It’s time to put loyalty on autopilot.


How does the MyStamp loyalty program work for my business?

How does the MyStamp loyalty program work for my business?

How does the MyStamp loyalty program work for my business?

How does the MyStamp loyalty program work for my business?

How does the MyStamp loyalty program work for my business?

How can I set up MyStamp for my business?

How can I set up MyStamp for my business?

How can I set up MyStamp for my business?

How can I set up MyStamp for my business?

How can I set up MyStamp for my business?

What kind of rewards can I offer to customers?

What kind of rewards can I offer to customers?

What kind of rewards can I offer to customers?

What kind of rewards can I offer to customers?

What kind of rewards can I offer to customers?

How much does it cost to use MyStamp?

How much does it cost to use MyStamp?

How much does it cost to use MyStamp?

How much does it cost to use MyStamp?

How much does it cost to use MyStamp?

Can I track my customers’ activity and engagement with the loyalty program?

Can I track my customers’ activity and engagement with the loyalty program?

Can I track my customers’ activity and engagement with the loyalty program?

Can I track my customers’ activity and engagement with the loyalty program?

Can I track my customers’ activity and engagement with the loyalty program?

How do customers sign up for my loyalty program?

How do customers sign up for my loyalty program?

How do customers sign up for my loyalty program?

How do customers sign up for my loyalty program?

How do customers sign up for my loyalty program?

Can I integrate MyStamp with my existing point of sale (POS) system?

Can I integrate MyStamp with my existing point of sale (POS) system?

Can I integrate MyStamp with my existing point of sale (POS) system?

Can I integrate MyStamp with my existing point of sale (POS) system?

Can I integrate MyStamp with my existing point of sale (POS) system?

What happens if a customer loses their phone or changes their device?

What happens if a customer loses their phone or changes their device?

What happens if a customer loses their phone or changes their device?

What happens if a customer loses their phone or changes their device?

What happens if a customer loses their phone or changes their device?

How do I promote the loyalty program to my customers?

How do I promote the loyalty program to my customers?

How do I promote the loyalty program to my customers?

How do I promote the loyalty program to my customers?

How do I promote the loyalty program to my customers?

Is there customer support available if I run into any issues?

Is there customer support available if I run into any issues?

Is there customer support available if I run into any issues?

Is there customer support available if I run into any issues?

Is there customer support available if I run into any issues?

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Don't leave with a feeling of missing out.

Sign up to our newsletter, and we'll keep you posted.

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Don't leave with a feeling of missing out.

Sign up to our newsletter, and we'll keep you posted.

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Don't leave with a feeling of missing out.

Sign up to our newsletter, and we'll keep you posted.

Not sure yet?

Don't leave with a feeling of missing out.

Sign up to our newsletter, and we'll keep you posted.


Download The MyStamp App

Scan the QR code with your iOS or Android smartphone to download the app.


Download The MyStamp App

Scan the QR code with your iOS or Android smartphone to download the app.


Download The MyStamp App

Scan the QR code with your iOS or Android smartphone to download the app.


Download The MyStamp App

Scan the QR code with your iOS or Android smartphone to download the app.


Download The MyStamp App

Scan the QR code with your iOS or Android smartphone to download the app.

Unlock the

Power of Loyalty

with MyStamp

Unlock the

Power of Loyalty

with MyStamp

Unlock the

Power of Loyalty

with MyStamp

Drive repeat visits and customer engagement effortlessly with MyStamp’s all-in-one loyalty platform. Empower your customers to earn rewards, stay connected, and keep coming back to your business.

Drive repeat visits and customer engagement effortlessly with MyStamp’s all-in-one loyalty platform. Empower your customers to earn rewards, stay connected, and keep coming back to your business.

Drive repeat visits and customer engagement effortlessly with MyStamp’s all-in-one loyalty platform. Empower your customers to earn rewards, stay connected, and keep coming back to your business.


app downloads

app downloads


monthly active users

monthly active users


increase in store visits

increase in store visits